Sunday, July 15, 2007

more abstract thoughts

There have been a record number of abstracts for the 4th IAS Conference on HIV Pathogenesis, Treatment and Prevention, which will be held in Sydney, Australia from 22-25 July 2007. And you can search their website, for abstracts to your heart's content. While there (probably practicing the correct way to say pathogenesis so it just rattles off your tongue) you may want to sign your support for the Sydney Declaration, which says that not less than 10% of all resources dedicated to HIV programming should be used for research. Well, it does go on to say "... towards optimizing interventions utilized and health outcomes achieved." But that seemed a little lengthy to the SciDev.Net team. We wouldn't want to consider the possibility of funding research so it would optimise unutilized interventions and unachieved health outcomes, now, would we?
You don't have to be here freezing in the southern hemisphere winter in order to follow the IAS conference next week, by the way. There will be podcasts on the website. Alternatively, sign up for a free daily email delivered during the week of the conference. Visit The email will provide direct links to each day's coverage on

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